Rethinking Assessment

Student Feedback:

At the end of last semester, we asked students to give us some feedback on how they felt the project went.  We learned  that students would have appreciated more support/lessons on film editing, and clearer parameters for the project.  We have taken this into consideration and will be sure to build this into our lesson planning for Synergy 2.0, including providing students with a check-list of things that they need to consider while working on the project.


  • Get your Media Consent forms handed in.
  • Establish clear guidelines and expectations for each group member.
  • Descriptive Title.
  • Video Length 2-6 minutes.
  • Purpose – the film has a clear purpose e.g. Marketing, Safety, Education, etc.
  • Have a plan prior to filming, create a storyboard that outlines how you want to send your message.
  • Place-based.  Ensure that you have someone in the community that you can interview to learn more about your topic.
  • Understand the Context – Learn about your topic to build empathy for all involved.
  • Incorporate a conclusion into your film.
  • Include credits at the end of the film.
  • Footage
    • If you are going to talk about something, get a close up video of it.
    • Ensure you are filming close enough, so you have adequate sound quality.
  • Interview Etiquette – (see the handout).
  • Once you have completed your film, send it to the stakeholders asking for permission to post it on Youtube.

When we introduced the project, it was powerful to have artifacts to show  students in order to give them a sense of what their final project might look like.  We were also able to critique some of the films and discuss the things that we learned.

Moving Forward with Assessment:

Robin and I have been participating in the Assessment Webinar Series.  As we plan for assessment, for the end of next semester, we hope to create assessment architecture and instructional agility so that students are invested in a way in which they have hope (believe that they can be successful with this project), efficacy and experience achievement.

Last semester, we asked students to complete the following Self-Reflection Rubric/Questionnaire.

Synergy Final Assessment

We are in the process of creating a single point rubric with the curricular competencies (Design Thinking) as the criteria.  On each side of the criteria, a spot to provide formative and summative feedback regarding “specific aspects in need of strengthening” and “specific aspects of strength”.